A Brief History
A bright idea
Two ambitious women, Anna du Boisson and Kerry Williams found a "home school group" with both ballet and academic tuition for talented kids
Young Dancers Academy is born
The group is recognised as a school by the Department for Education and YDA was born
Our first home
Anna gets a call to say 25 Bulwer Street in Shepherd's Bush is becoming available, so moves furniture in and calls the landlord to say she wants it! This paves the way for a permanent home alongside growth & expansion
Becoming a charity
The school occupies the Village Hall set in Shepherd's Bush, thanks to the Wigoder Family Foundation. The building will allow for bigger classes and a large dance studio. Charitable status allows YDA and its partners to support even more talented children
Reputation grows
The school is noted for producing graduates who go on to leading vocational upper schools, subsequently joining national dance companies, such as English National Ballet and Scottish Ballet, or West End Productions
20 years of nut-cracking!
20th performance of The Nutcracker takes place in partnership with WLSD and DBDF, featuring a guest star from The Royal Ballet, celebrating the joy of students dancing the ultimate Christmas Classic
COVID-19 and going digital
The school moves online on account of the pandemic, delivering 100% of its classes virtually and producing a new digital Nutcracker with guest performances by stars of The Royal Ballet, including Marianela Núñez
A new chapter begins...
The school acquires the upper floor of the village hall and starts its expansion whilst officially becoming known as London Vocational Ballet School
Our online application process to enter full-time training is simple and straightforward. All applications require a £45 application fee, specific photos to demonstrate physical suitability and medical details. All set? Apply here.